
The benefits of early visual language development for hearing children

William Woods ASL

Students studying American Sign Language Studies can use their fluency in the language and understanding of Deaf culture virtually in any career, including one working with hearing children. The use of American Sign Language has proven to help hearing children in a number of ways, including proven benefits to speech and communication development, the numerous […]


February 26th, 2016

Posted in ASL At Work, Living Language

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American Sign Language pioneer Robert Panara remembered

William Woods ASL

The William Woods American Sign Language bachelors program remembers deaf education pioneer Robert Panara for all that he has done in the world of deaf education, literature and American Sign Language interpreting. Panara was a trailblazer in the world of poetry, literature and deaf education. Spinal meningitis left him deaf at age ten. He grew […]


September 29th, 2014

Posted in Leaders

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